Dicophar 1 Litre
Product Description:
Professional quality product. Specifically designed to kill the weeds, not the grass! Dicophar is a systemic herbicide. It is highly effective against a wide range of broad leaved weeds in turfed areas.
Key Features:
- Four active ingredients - combines the selective actions of 2,4-D, MCPA, Mecoprop-p and Dicamba herbicides
- Treats yarrow, buttercup, self-heal, daisy, white clover & dandelion
- Best results when applied once a year during periods of active growth: March to Sept.
- Do not treat new lawns until established for 6 months
Application notes and guidance:
- Dilute100ml in 10 litres to cover 100 m
- Applied in a Knapsack sprayer.
- Do not cut grass 7 days before application to allow for re-growth
- Rain within 12 hours of spraying may affect the results
- After applying Dicophar, leave 7-10 days before cutting grass
- Areas treated with Dicophar may be re-seeded after 6-8 weeks