Kenotek Ceramic Intensive Wax 20ltr
Product Description:
Kenotek Ceramic Intensive Wax 20ltr
Kenotek Ceramic Wax is a highly concenteated waxing agent. Best applied at 1% Product with 99% Water.
20Ltrs of Ceramic wax will dilute into 1000ltrs of Spray on wax.
- High Concentrated protective gloss wax - Ceramic Infused.
- Firstly the Ceramic infused particles fill the pores creating superior hydrophobicity due to an improved contact angle of the water bead.
- Secondly a protective film is created which ensures longer protection aginst dirt, salt and UV rays.
Dosage 0.5% - 1.2% (5ml - 12ml per car)
1 x 20Ltr of product will wax up to 4000 cars